The concerns for education sustainability have prompted debates, brainstorming, dialogues and legislations world over. The outcome of these endeavors has, in a way, favored the reduction of ‘unemployment and unemployables’ syndromes and engendered sustainability in the face of economic development forces. These syndromes have been linked to curriculum issues and educational pedagogic processes. The Nigerian education policy (NPE) stakeholders need to consider the
upsurge of some other policy statements and intentions by other interest groups; which include the education strategic Plan for tertiary institution in Nigeria (ESP), ‘education for all’ (EFA), Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Vision 20:2020, and Decades on Education for Sustainable Development (DESD2005-2014). This study performed critical evaluation and appraisal of development issues as highlighted in the policy statements. The analysis showed that the status quo of education curriculum is yet to have an ideology of its own when compared to the index of educational sustainability globally. Further to this, some hindrances impinging on the policy-curriculum’s realization were identified.These were identified and discussed along with suggestions and legal proposals which may aid the Vocational and Technical Education (VTE)-Dieted Policy- curriculum implementation and development.
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