Contextual Factors and Organizational Performance: A Validity and Reliability Approach

Organizational performance has been the attention of a lot of current organizational studies around the world. Different factors have been identified by different scholars as been contributory to performance level in organizations but there are misconceptions in the area of measures and scales. This study therefore sought to provide a validated instrument to aid research efforts in the area of contextual factors and organizational performance. After an initial questionnaire administration, the data was teste using validity and reliability tools. It was established that the contextual factors and organizational scale was fit for application in other studies as all scientific conditions were met. The study also provides direction for industrial considerations in the area of contextual factors and organizational performance.

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Categories: Business Administration
Author: Akpa V.O., Grace O. Makinde, Magaji Nanle, Nnorom G.K, Obianwu N.E., Prof. Olalekan Asikhia