Internationalisation of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) offers opportunities for business development, improved profitability and growth. In Nigeria, many SMEs failed to expand their businesses internationally possibly due to resources constraints. Literature on internationalisation is heavily focused on multinational corporations with little emphasis on SMEs. This study examined the effects of human resources on internationalisation of SMEs in Lagos State, Nigeria. Survey research design was employed for the study. The population of the study consists of 354 SME exporters of in Lagos State, Nigeria. Total enumeration method was used. The result of the study revealed that human resources significantly affected internationalisation of SMEs in Lagos State. The study concluded that human resources affected Internationalisation of SMEs. The study recommended that the government should support the SME operators involved in international business in developing the requisite skilled manpower that can operate at world standard.
Effect of Human Resources on Internationalisation of SMEs in Lagos State, Nigeria
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Business Administration