Organizational Learning and Employee Performance of Selected Private Universities in Southwest, Nigeria: A Moderating Role of Strategic Leadership

Performance of employees of private universities across the globe has been worrisome as observed in poor academic performance of students, low research output, low commitment of employees among others. Private universities face challenges in dealing with pressure from global educational changing environment and also find it difficult to learn from the environment, create information and knowledge. This study investigated the moderating effect of strategic effect of strategic leadership on the relationship between organizational learning and performance of selected private universities in Nigeria. The population that was used in this study included the academic and non-academic staff of private universities in southwest region, Nigeria which was a total of 3886 employees. Cochran sample size determination method was employed to determine the sample size of 676 staff. This study concluded that strategic leadership significantly moderate the relationship between organizational learning and employee performance of selected private universities in Southwest, Nigeria. Based on the findings of this study, the study recommended that private universities should adopt strategic leadership in terms of management commitment, constructive criticism, effective communication, motivation and trust in management to achieve employee performance.

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Categories: Business Administration
Author: Abimbola M.M., Adefulu A. D., Oduyoye O., Prof. Olalekan Asikhia
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